Workshop Progress Report - Floor
Although the sub-floor insulation and flooring sheets are now in place, it's beyond the powers of my imagination at this early stage to envisage just what the experience of building guitars in this strange new work space will feel like. What I can do, however, is enjoy the views from floor level over the reserve adjoining our property and imagine relaxing times on the deck I'll soon add to the sunny northern side of the workshop.
Before I began this project I really didn't appreciate the effort that would be required to reach this milestone; it's been gruelling at times, and I tell myself that in the weeks ahead I'll see comparatively rapid progress - in the vertical sense!
There were some frustrating delays in getting to this stage, not all of which I could have expected: wet weather put paid to the best part of a week (it is winter after all!), and what I thought would be routine minor surgery prevented me from engaging in anything strenuous for almost two weeks - until I'd healed enough for stitches to be removed.
With more fine weather expected in the short term, I can now look forward to measuring up and assembling the internal timber wall frames.